Seasons / Change

Life is full of seasons. Summer just so happens to be my favorite. While several of my friends and family members prefer fall‘s cooler weather, I’m here for the heat. ☀️😍 Give me pool parties, iced lattes, sandals and shorts, white tees and high-waist jeans, sunglasses and orange lipstick. I bask in it all with a bright smile on my face.

But just like we all know, seasons will always inevitably change. Summer heat turns into a cool, fall breeze. Fall winds blow into Winter snowflakes and before you know it, Spring is in the air with its luscious blooms that prepare the way for Summer all over again. 

Seasons of our lives are no different. And that was one of the best pieces of advice Stephan and I received during our premarital counseling. Life (college, singleness, marriage, motherhood, entrepreneurship, etc.) is made up of seasons. And seasons always change. Don’t get stuck in one season and let discouragement cause you to doubt that things will never change. Life ALWAYS changes.

I remember the last time I saw my grandfather before he passed away and I asked him what was the one thing he loved most about life. His answer arrested my heart, “Change.” How profound and true. I’ve pondered on this ever since.

I don’t know what season you’re in right now, but I want to encourage you that it will change. If it’s really great right now and you’re loving the Summer sun of life, make memories and write down a note to your winter season so you can hold onto that joy. If it’s wintery cold in your relationships, workplace, business or even within your heart, look for the beauty in where you are and expect a brighter tomorrow.

“For everything there is a season, a time for every activity under heaven.”

Ecclesiastes 3:1 NLT

“While the earth remains,

Seedtime and harvest,

Cold and heat,

Winter and summer,

And day and night

Shall not cease.”



Don’t challenge the change. Embrace the newness to come.  


